Haval Offers

Meyers Motors Haval has many great vehicle offers for you. If you would like to find out what we currently have, you can contact Haval and we will advise you. We are regularly updating our records online for your convenience especially during this time of great distress in our country. We try to make things as simple and stress-free as we can for you, our customers.

You will find an offer that appeals to you online and you can then fill in an online inquiry form or come directly to us and speak to an agent. Our team is waiting to assist you in locating the best possible vehicle offer for you.

Haval is honest in all dealings and we do not have any hidden costs. With us, what you see is what you pay unless it is otherwise stipulated. We are not just interested in selling vehicles, we are also interested in keeping all our customers happy.

Meyers Motors Haval is situated in King Wiliams town aswell as Queenstown.